How do I participate in SURF?
Considering SURF?
Have students who are doing research, a project, or creative work? Do you know students who participated in a summer research program? Already have end-of-the-semester presentations for your class? Consider showcasing their work at our biannual student conference, SURF. We welcome all forms of research and creative work from any discipline at any stage and it's a great way for your students to engage in professional development and prepare for future opportunities.
Students in summer programs or other external programs may register themselves using the link below. Otherwise, we ask that KapCC faculty register their students.
Students can:
Develop their communication skills for a broad audience
Feel invested in their academic work & campus
Share their experiences and knowledge with their communities
Gain experience for CV/resumes​
​We provide:
Easy options for existing dept/program events
Flexible options to meet your needs
Event & presentation support
Representation in campus URE assessment
​Presentation slots are usually an hour, with students repeating their presentations as people drop in throughout the session. Each round ends with a short Q+A session. This repetition allows for a broader audience and a more casual talk story format. It also allows to students to alter their presentation to match different audiences. Alternative formats can be arranged.
Virtual SURF is a drop-in, synchronous online event where students share their own presentation files. In-person SURF will have their presentations (e.g., posters, presentation slides) prepared for them in advance.
Students should arrive 15 minutes before the session starts. We highly encourage faculty mentors to attend their student's presentations.
Alternative formats can be arranged. Work with Li-Anne to custom-build a session format that works for you. We have had hands-on workshops, debates, showcases, etc.
If you'd like to add your existing event to SURF, you can choose to hold it in your own space or join us in the library.
You can find poster templates, logos, guides, and conference info on our website: https://kapcc-research.wixsite.com/surf. We will be adding more content as the conference gets closer.​
📅 Add our URE Google Calendar
Register by October or February 15.
Presentation titles and info: The 3rd Monday in November and April
Presentation materials: The 4th Monday in November and April
Drop-in presentation support for you and your students: the week before SURF
We’ll do our best to accommodate your needs and timelines as best as we can, so feel free to ask