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grant information


Suggested URE Budget for New Grants

Mahalo for including undergraduate research experiences into your grant proposal! 

Please note that we recommend that you include at least a part-time program coordinator to assist you with developing and conducting the program as well as process the following financial documents.


Funds for Students to Conduct Research  

Unless your research is embedded into a course, we highly recommend that you compensate students for their research time. Programs without a direct financial stipend are harder to recruit for (even if you provide laptops or other incentives) and help offset the pressure many of our students have to work instead of pursue academic opportunities.


Recommended amounts: Between $1000 to $2000 per semester depending on workload. If you require that students take a 295 research course, consider covering the tuition cost.


Funds for Faculty to Mentor Research Students

Faculty are a key component of a quality URE and compensating them ensures that they become a sustainable resource for the students and the college. Consider both options for overload and a direct check as many faculty are not able to reduce their teaching load. Compensation depends on the program structure. Note that 295 courses provide a 0.2 TE per student and that amount depends on the faculty salary. 


Recommended amounts: Median 295 amount per student: $600. Per student per semester: $500.  Or you can do a blanket amount of between $1000 to $2000 per semester depending on workload.You can also cap the amount of money or students a faculty takes on.


Materials and Supplies (or Equipment) to Conduct Research

Even humanities and social sciences benefit from funds for research, whether that comes in the form of museum entrance fees, books,  journal access, software, survey incentives, or printing materials.


Recommended amounts: Depends on program but $100 to $1000 per project. Most programs offer $500.


Travel for Students and Faculty to National Conferences

There are many undergraduate research conferences that accept both beginner and advanced research. We highly recommend that you at least budget for two students per year to travel to a conference so they can be exposed to other opportunities and ideas, develop professional skills, and become more confident in their project. This is a transformational experience for students and puts our college on the map!


Recommended amounts:  $2500 per person depending on target conference.


Optional, but Recommened 

Materials for Printing

While this is an option, please consider including a small amount to cover the costs to print your students posters for SURF or conference.


Recommended amounts: $1000 and up annually.


Funds for Field Trips and HonorariumsAnother recommended option is to build in activities where students can go into the field or have speakers in your discipline come to talk to the students. This is especially true if you want to connect students to Hawaiʻi/ sustainability.


Recommended amounts: $500 per honorarium and variable for field trips. 




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